Saturday, 26 December 2009

Rose in Rose

Romi Juliesse has closed her main shop temporarily, and I really hope she will come back because I love her skins. In the meantime, you should get in her group (there's a 100l$ fee, but wait till you see what she sent) and grab the cute cart in the notices, with the lovely musical snowglobes... oh and there's a box there too, and if you open it you'll find her 2 latest series in complete fatpacks (skin + shape): Lily and Rose. It's an amazing gift, I can't believe Romi gives it all... it's worth thousands of l$!!! What I am showing you here is only a small part of the gift:

Lily (shape and skin) by Romi Skin

Rose (shape and skin) by Romi Skins

And more Christmas gifts from various shops of my favorites:
Cosima dress and Phoenix Tee from Decoy Christmas pack (in notices, they actually are exclusive colors of new designs), Rag-A-Muffin tail and ears (I love the Starlust goup gift) Truth bag (group gift)

Wine underwear and Phoenix tee from Decoy's Christmas box

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